Day 9 of 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer!

     The hunger for fasting is intensifying. For 9 days we have been denying the flesh and it feels good! Galatians 5:17 says the flesh wars against the Spirit and the Spirit wars against the flesh and they are so contrary to one another that you don’t always do what you will to do! Paul says what I will to do, I do not and I will not to do, I do !! Fasting becomes that spiritual generator that pushes your spirit man to take control and deny the flesh! Remember Jesus began his ministry denying the flesh with 40days Of Fasting! He started his ministry defying his natural appetite and embracing His spiritual appetite! He started his ministry hungry and he finished his ministry thirsty as he hung on Calvary’s cross! John 19:28 reveals that the last thing he felt was thirst as he said ” I thirst!” As a believer it is our hearts cry to be like Jesus!! I challenge you, when you get hungry or thirsty for something you cannot have during this fast remember that Jesus expressed His love towards you as he started his ministry hungry and finished it thirsty!! What a mighty God we serve!! Keep pressing toward the mark of the high calling that is in Christ Jesus!!!!